We provide quality services and products; everything you need to keep your cat at her best.
Our facilities are equipped with the latest in veterinary technology. We have onsite X-ray, ultrasound, endosocpy, laproscopy, cystoscopy, a chemistry laboratory and full surgical capabilities. We also offer complete dental care, and advanced options for feline cancer patients.
In addition to providing premium health services, we also carry supplies and toys for every cat and kitten right here at The Cat Doctor. We stock quality feline diets, Arubacat® scratching posts / perches, feline drinking fountains, Everclean® litter and more.
Copyright ©2011 The Cat Doctor of Bedford, PC
In addition to providing premium health services, we also carry supplies and toys for every cat and kitten right here at The Cat Doctor. We stock quality feline diets, Arubacat® scratching posts / perches, feline drinking fountains, Everclean® litter and more.
Copyright ©2011 The Cat Doctor of Bedford, PC