Due to the Omicron variant’s high transmissibility, we will be going back to curb-side service only. Clients will not be allowed into the office. Please call when you arrive with your cat. We will take the history over the phone and meet you at our door. Once we have examined your cat, one of our doctors will phone you. Please keep the line available!
From Dr Bob
It is with mixed emotions that I am announcing my retirement. I will still be involved, consulting with our great veterinary staff concerning individual patient care, and management decisions, but I will no longer be performing office visits and day to day Veterinary care. After 45 years of practice (35 years of feline only), the pandemic, and personal health concerns, I can no longer meet the demands of daily practice. Our offices will still provide the best in feline care through the capable talents of our Veterinary staff. Our office staff (some of whom have been with me for most of the 35 years) will continue to provide answers to your questions, schedule appointments, and provide great nursing care for all of our patients. The last few years have been especially challenging with the pandemic and a myriad of health issues. It seems that every day brings a new physical challenge and it looks like the pandemic is here for the near future. For these reasons I will be taking a step back and have more time to enjoy my personal interests. I do want to thank the many clients that I have gotten to know in the last 35 years. We have been through generations of wonderful feline companions. I hope that by educating you about the care of your feline friends I have made your relationships better. Good Health to All Dr Bob PANDEMIC RULES: GET VACCINATED! 1. Due to staffing shortages, and frankly, dealing with 14 months of stress, we are closing our offices on all Saturdays beginning in June. Our Monday through Friday hours will remain the same. You will NOT be able to pick up medications or diets on Saturdays. This may be for the summer only, or may extend into the fall depending on staffing. 2. If you are picking up medication or diets, please try to prepay for these when you call to order them. When you arrive for pick-up, please call and we will meet you at our door. 3. MASKS MUST BE WORN AT ALL TIMES. Curbside will still be available. If you have any respiratory symptoms we ask you to either use curbside or reschedule your consultation. We are limiting visits to one human accompanying your cat. 4. When you arrive for an appointment, please call, and we will take your information and history over the phone. We will then instruct you when to come in, and escort you directly into one of our exam rooms. We ask you to stay in the exam rooms for the entire consultation and payment process. Once you are checked out, you will be escorted to the exit door. 5. Since these procedures to minimize congestion will still be more phone-intensive and time-consuming than normal, we ask you to continue to be patient with our staff. If you are unable to get through on the phone when you arrive for an appointment or supply pickup, please wait 2 minutes and then call back again. Someone will be with you as soon as they are able. Your visit may take a little longer than normal, so please allow enough time in your schedule to allow for delays. 6. Remember that this is still a world wide pandemic and rules may change over the next months to years. Please be patient. Our staff has worked very hard to still be available to care for your feline. We have had exposures, sickness, isolations, shut downs, and we still have to run a business in spite of all this. 7. GET VACCINATED! Since many of us are now getting vaccinated, we are anticipating the day when humans will be allowed back into our offices. We will not rush back into “business as usual”, but will institute a gradual transition back to owners with pets within our office. The first step is to have all of our employees that want to be vaccinated do so, and have the appropriate wait time after the vaccination for full immunity. Next we will start to allow a limited number of owners to come into the office with their cats, ONLY if they have also been vaccinated. If you are NOT vaccinated, then you will need to stay in your vehicle while we examine your cat. We will probably restrict this to just one human with each consult. Clients picking up medication or supplies should pay when ordering or call when arriving, to pay over the phone, and we will meet you at the door with your items. We will ask each client to call when arriving at the office for a consult, and we will let you know when to come in. All clients will need to wear a mask while inside the office. To minimize contact, you will be ushered into one of the exam rooms where history, exams, and vaccinations can be performed. Some procedures and blood draws will be done in our treatment area, and we ask that you remain in the exam rooms while this occurs. Checking out, making appointments, and payment will also be done while in the exam rooms rather than at the “front desk”. Once all is complete, then we will usher you and your cat back outside. We are not sure when we will be starting this new protocol, but when cases reduce, and everyone is vaccinated we will start this transition. As a cat owner, I know the stress of trying to convince your furry, clawed, anxious friend that the cat carrier is where he/she needs to be. We all have tried everything from taking the carrier apart and/or turning it up on it's end. I know the stress of reaching into a cat carrier hoping you will be able to finish the day will all of your fingers and not making a trip to the emergency room. Not mention the stress on the poor cat as we try to pour him/her out the carrier into an unknown environment. This is where the Calm Carrier comes in. This awesome new sliding drawer carrier will significantly reduce travel related fear, anxiety and stress and is engineered and built to IATA Airline Standards. Please take moment and check out the link below to get a better picture of this cool innovation along with the videos of use and assembly. https://www.jorvet.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/LITJ1527.pdf We wanted to update our clients that our current protocols for office visits will remain as they are for the foreseeable future. That is, no one is allowed into the office except for very limited circumstances. Please call when you arrive at the office and we will take pertinent information and history over the phone. You will be instructed when and where to bring your carrier. If you are picking up medications or other supplies, please call when you arrive, and once you are checked out, the material will be brought outside. When we are done with our exams, we will be calling you, so please make sure we have the proper cell phone number and please remain available for the Doctors call.
We have had a few clients concerned that their cat may be more nervous without them, however, we have found most cats are calm, and seem more relaxed without their “stressed owners” adding to the exam process. We try to do our examinations and procedures as calmly and quickly as possible to decrease your cat’s stress. Recently, a new cat carrier from Van Ness pet products called the Calm Cat Carrier has caught our attention. This carrier has an internal drawer system so a cat does not need to be touched to come out of the carrier. This seems like a great stress reducer for our patients. Check it out at Vannesspets.com. I hope everyone remains cautious and healthy. I have talked with several of our clients that have gone through Covid 19 and it is not something to take lightly. Wear your mask. Ask others to wear their mask properly. Be safe. Just a quick update with office policy for patient visits;
Although our region seems to have a measure of control of the spread of the Covid 19 virus, we all need to continue our precautions. Several clients have wanted to know when they would be able to accompany their feline into the office for examinations. It looks like that may be quite awhile into the future. We have a small number of staff and if one person is exposed, it could conceivably shut down one or both of our offices. So we will continue with our established protocol of calling when you arrive in the parking area. Make sure that you give us your cell phone number and please stay off that line! After examining your cat we will be contacting you! Remember to wear your mask when out of the house!!!!!! Many of you have probably read or heard about a few recent cases of COVID-19 infection in domestic cats, or a laboratory study that showed that cats can be experimentally infected with the coronavirus that is currently circulating in humans. Although cats are biologically susceptible to this virus, the risk of a cat getting infected is extremely small. Luckily, all of the infected cats have only had mild respiratory disease so far and there have been no feline fatalities. There is NO evidence that cats can spread the virus back to humans or to other cats within their household. The primary way to protect your cats is to protect yourself by staying home as much as possible, washing your hands frequently, and covering your face when out in public. Keep cats protected from catching the virus from other people by keeping them indoors. If you become ill with COVID-19, protect your pets by excluding them from your bedroom, washing your hands before touching them or their food, and avoiding kissing them or getting them close to your face. Please refer to the CDC guidelines at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/daily-life-coping/animals.html. The CDC does NOT recommend re-homing your cats if you become ill. Please do not relinquish or abandon your cats due to fear of COVID-1 and please speak out strongly if you hear friends or acquaintances discussing this. We also want to touch on the subject of cats and disinfectant. The COVID-19 virus is not thought to survive well on fur, so please do NOT attempt to disinfect your cats if someone else pets them or when they come back into the house from being outdoors or at our office. The risk of your cat carrying the virus home is very low. Any disinfectant on your cat's fur will end up being groomed off and swallowed and could cause serious illness. In particular, Lysol and its generic equivalents are very toxic to cats, so NEVER spray or wipe your cat with a disinfectant or put it on your cat's bedding. Bleach is also harmful and is not effective on fur anyway. When your cat is in our care, we wear masks and wash our hands frequently, so we are taking precautions to protect your cat, you, and our fellow staff members. Please don't attempt to disinfect your cat's carrier while they are still in it. If you are concerned about the carrier bringing home viruses, feel free to wash or disinfect it as soon as you get home and release your cat back into the house, then wash your hands immediately. Your cats should be a source of comfort during this uncertain time. Please take the simple precautions outlined by the CDC and enjoy their company without fear! With our best wishes, The Cat Doctor veterinarians and staff Two new updates;
WE are reducing our hours in an effort to keep our small staff healthy. We are trying to limit human to human contact as much as possible while still providing appropriate care for our patients. We believe we have systems in place at each office that will protect our staff and clients. Since our hours are limited, if you suspect your cat is ill or requires veterinary care, please try to call the office as early as possible so that we can arrange a visit within our limited parameters. Here is another link for updated info about Covid-19 and your feline: www.vet.cornell.edu/fhc/ Dear Client:
We want to let you know that our offices currently plan to remain open with some changes to our regular office hours and our office procedures during the pandemic; as long as our staff remains healthy. At this time we will no longer be allowing anyone but staff into the clinic. We do ask that if you (the human) or any of your family members are sick, that you either reschedule your appointment or designate a healthy human to bring your cat to us. This situation is changing rapidly, and if we have to make any additional changes to our business hours or policies we will keep you informed but in order to avoid confusion or disappointment, please call the office before coming to pick-up any medications or supplies.. For the most recent updates and changes, please see below: Going forward we ask that upon arrival for your appointment or to pick up medications or supplies that you call us at: 603-594-4200 for Nashua, and 781-275-5223 for Bedford, and we will give you instructions on how to proceed. For appointments we will either have you bring your cat to the door in his/her carrier or if necessary we will come to your car and retrieve your pet. For supply pick-up if we haven’t already taken payment we will attend to that first and then place your supplies on the chair outside for you to pick-up. Examinations: the technician will take down the information pertinent to the exam via telephone when you call upon arrival. The doctor will examine your pet in the clinic - and will then call you on your cell phone to discuss any findings, results and recommendations. All payments will be taken over the phone and an itemized receipt will be emailed to you following your visit or payment of supplies. New Office Hours: Nashua: Monday 8:00-3:00 Tuesday 7:30-7:00 Wednesday 8-1:00 Thursday 7:30-7:00 Friday 8:00 -1:00 Saturday 9:00-12:00 Bedford: Monday 8:00-5:00 Tuesday 7:30-7:00 Wednesday 8:00-5:00 Thursday 7:30-7:00 Friday 8:00-1:00 Saturday 9:00-12:0 Please do keep in mind that the American Veterinary Medical Association tells us that no pets have been infected by this virus. We hope that everyone is able to stay healthy and safe. |
January 2025
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