The Cat Doctor is pleased to announce a new therapeutic modality for arthritis, wound healing, and acupuncture. This non-invasive treatment is Low Energy Photon Therapy (LEPT) or “cold laser”. Treatment is performed with a Class III therapeutic laser which generates no heat in the tissues but does stimulate the damaged cells to regenerate more rapidly. Thus cell repair is accelerated and increased circulation to the damaged area is stimulated. This therapy has been shown to decrease pain, decrease inflammation, and speed healing.
One of the main areas we will be using this for is the treatment of osteoarthritis in the older cat. Medications to help arthritic cats are limited due to difficulty with administration and many have potential side effects. Nutritional supplements such as Glucosamine and Omega 3’s help with joint health but do nothing for pain relief. We feel that laser therapy will help with both pain relief and reduction of inflammation, while eliminating the need to constantly “medicate” the patient at home.
We will also be using laser therapy post surgically to reduce pain and speed healing. This includes orthopedic surgery, soft tissue surgery, and even after some extensive dental procedures.
Another use of laser treatment will be Acupuncture done with the laser instead of needles. Our feline patients rarely have the patience to sit still for traditional needle administered acupuncture. However with the laser, it is a totally non-invasive pain free procedure. Dr Jan Belmonte will be offering acupuncture in The Bedford office as an adjunctive treatment for several medical conditions.
Laser treatment is quick and pain free. Most cats either enjoy the treatment or don’t realize they are receiving it. Most treatment regiments will require two treatments per week for the first two weeks and then either weekly or on an as needed basis. Treatments will be performed by our trained staff and last about ten minutes. Improvement is usually seen after the first or second treatment. Our patient response to treatment has been very good and we have decided to purchase laser therapy units for both offices. For now, acupuncture is only available at the Bedford office.
For more information, please call the office and discuss with us if your cat could benefit from this new treatment.
One of the main areas we will be using this for is the treatment of osteoarthritis in the older cat. Medications to help arthritic cats are limited due to difficulty with administration and many have potential side effects. Nutritional supplements such as Glucosamine and Omega 3’s help with joint health but do nothing for pain relief. We feel that laser therapy will help with both pain relief and reduction of inflammation, while eliminating the need to constantly “medicate” the patient at home.
We will also be using laser therapy post surgically to reduce pain and speed healing. This includes orthopedic surgery, soft tissue surgery, and even after some extensive dental procedures.
Another use of laser treatment will be Acupuncture done with the laser instead of needles. Our feline patients rarely have the patience to sit still for traditional needle administered acupuncture. However with the laser, it is a totally non-invasive pain free procedure. Dr Jan Belmonte will be offering acupuncture in The Bedford office as an adjunctive treatment for several medical conditions.
Laser treatment is quick and pain free. Most cats either enjoy the treatment or don’t realize they are receiving it. Most treatment regiments will require two treatments per week for the first two weeks and then either weekly or on an as needed basis. Treatments will be performed by our trained staff and last about ten minutes. Improvement is usually seen after the first or second treatment. Our patient response to treatment has been very good and we have decided to purchase laser therapy units for both offices. For now, acupuncture is only available at the Bedford office.
For more information, please call the office and discuss with us if your cat could benefit from this new treatment.